Hello and welcome to the last week of March, friends. Honestly a bit rude of my birthday month to go by so quickly, but I’ll allow it since I have to wait until April 1st to go see the new Dungeons and Dragons movie.
Before I slide into your inbox with the April monthly overview, however, we’ve got another week of recommendations and a Tarot card pull to get to!
Book Rec of the Week
This week, I’m recommending a little fantasy-meets-mundane story about a vampire who’s just trying to live her life. In Mike Chen’s Vampire Weekend, you won’t see any sparkles or supernatural powers. Just the need to drink blood, long life, and avoiding the sun. Louise is searching for a new band to rock with when a long lost relative shows up on her doorstep, changing the trajectory of her life.
Vampire Weekend is mostly a quiet story about family and what it means to live a fulfilling life, but there’s definitely a bit of intrigue and plot to keep things moving as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this unusual book.
Tarot Reading of the Week
Card of the Week: Queen of Swords
Deck Used: Biddy Tarot Deck
Another new deck this week (what can I say, birthday month vibes). I’ve long used the Biddy Tarot website for looking up tarot card meanings so I was thrilled to see they were releasing a Tarot deck of their own. This week, the Biddy Tarot offers us up a reminder about holding true to our boundaries and standing in our power.
As we in the Northern Hemisphere head into spring and life takes on a faster pace, it can be easy to let go of habits we nurtured in the slower winter months. Take time to remind yourself of any boundaries or practices you need to maintain, and remember that you have the strength to do so.
Words from the Web
With my mom in town and my chronic pain flaring up, I haven’t gotten much writing or reading done this week. Alas, that means I didn’t save any interesting stories to share with you from the web this week.
I did publish a handful of the usual stories on my book blog, which you can check out here.
That’s it for this week, until I see you again on April 1st! I hope your Monday goes as well as Mondays can.
I can't wait to see the D&D movie!! It looks so fun. 🤓